
Important Dates

  • November 30 2020

    Full Paper Submission Due

  • December 20 2020

    Full Paper Review
    (For the new submitted papers)

  • January 15 2021

    Final Full Paper Submission Due
    (For the new submitted papers)

  • January 31 2021

    Early Bird Registration Due

  • March 15 2021

    Extended pre-recorded presentation submission due

TODAY 2024. 09. 10




Workshop(Online Only) / Monday, April 26, 2021

The workshops are one of the key events of the IEA Heat Pump Conference. Each summarizes the Annexes performed in collaboration of IEA HPT TCP countries. The six workshops cover the latest issues on heat pumping technologies in connection with carbon neutral and green innovation. From the workshop, you can catch up the state-of-the-art trends and insight on heat pumping technologies.

1. Workshop A1 (20:00~22:00 KST, 13:00~15:00 CEST, 07:00~09:00 EDT)

Title: Annex 42 (HPs in smart grids) and Annex 45 (Hybrid HPs)
Theme: What role can hybrid HPs play in the energy transition and how can they contribute to smart grid success?
  • Introduction into hybrid HPs
  • The hybrid HP success story in the Netherlands
  • First results from a hybrid HP monitoring campaign
  • Hybrid HPs in a smart grid: great results from the Freedom Project (Wales, UK)

Peter Wagener
Business Development Holland

Maarten Hommelberg
Business Development Holland
Speakers: Peter Wagener (BDH, Netherlands)
Oliver Lancaster (Wales & West Utilities, Wales, UK)

2. Workshop A2 (22:00~24:00 KST, 15:00~17:00 CEST, 09:00~11:00 EDT)

Title: Heat Pumps for Low GWP Refrigerants (Annex 54)

Prof. Yunho Hwang
University of Maryland, United States
Theme: Annex 54 aims at promoting the low GWP refrigerant application to accelerate phase down of high GWP HFCs via 1) a comprehensive review of recent R&D progress on component optimization using low-GWP refrigerants, 2) in-depth case studies of component optimization, which can provide design guidelines and real-world experiences.
  • “Introduction of IEA HPT's Annex 54 for Heat Pumps for Low-GWP refrigerants” by Yunho Hwang (University of Maryland, USA)
  • “Experimental evaluation of R410A, R407C and R134a alternative refrigerants in residential heat pumps"” by Pierre Pardo (CETIAT, France)
  • “Modular and scalable heat pump models for the design process of heat pump systems” by Christian Vering (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
  • “Commercialization of R32 in a Window Type Air Conditioner for US Market and Split Air Conditioners for European Market” by Younghwan Ko (LGE Korea)
  • “Comparitive analysis of propane heat pumps - a try to harmonize technical boundary conditions in world-wide projects” by Thore Oltersdorf, Peter Schossig, Lena Schnabel (ISE Fraunhofer, Germany)

3. Workshop B1 (20:00~22:00 KST, 13:00~15:00 CEST, 07:00~09:00 EDT)

※ cancelled

4. Workshop B2 (22:00~24:00 KST, 15:00~17:00 CEST, 09:00~11:00 EDT)

Title: Annex 55 on HPs and Energy Storage
Theme: Heat pumps and energy storage in smart grids - how can we achieve better results by better integration of HP and storage components?
  • Introduction to the goal and contents of the annex.
  • Present status and latest annex results
  • Recommendations for policy action

Peter Wagener
Business Development Holland

Maarten Hommelberg
Business Development Holland
Speakers: Peter Wagener (BDH, Netherlands)
Caroline Haglund-Stignor (RISE, Sweden)
Liu Xiaobing (Oakridge National Laboratories, USA)

5. Workshop C1 (20:00~22:00 KST, 13:00~15:00 CEST, 07:00~09:00 EDT)

※ cancelled

6. Workshop C2 (22:00~24:00 KST, 15:00~17:00 CEST, 09:00~11:00 EDT)

Title: Design and Integration of Heat Pumps for nZEB (Annex 49)

Prof. Carsten Wemhöner
Professor for Building system technologies
Institute partner IET –Institute of Energy Technology, OST – Eastern Switzerland Univ. of Appl. Sciences
Theme: The workshop presents result of IEA HPT Annex 49 on heat pump application in nearly Zero energy buildings nZEB. Starting from the state of the art of nZEB results of heat pump monitoring in nZEB and simulation-based studies on design and control of heat pumps are presented. The workshop is concluded with developed multifunctional HP prototypes and lessons learned.

nZEB definition and ambition level

(Time CEST)

  • 15.00 – 15.10: Introduction and overview of IEA HPT Annex 49 (C. Wemhoener)
  • 15.10 – 15.20: Swedish nZEB implementation and comparison of heating systems (O. Gustafsson)
  • 15.20 – 15.35: Methodology to compare nZEB ambition level in different countries (F. Ochs)

Case studies and optimisation of heat pumps in nZEB by monitoring/simulation

  • 15.35 – 15:50: Group of eight buildings with low temperature heating grid (C. Betzold)
  • 15.50 – 16.05: Vögelebichl Innsbruck – Monitoring and simulation of two multi-family houses with heat pump, PV andcollectors (F. Ochs)
  • 16.05 – 16.20: Monitoring of Energy plus buildings with different use (F. Bockelmann)

Prototype technologies and heat pump integration options

  • 16.20 – 16.35: Façade integrated PV-coupled heat pump system for space cooling (A. Heinz)
  • 16.35 – 16.50: Integrated heat pump (IHP) prototypes for NZEB (V. Baxter)


  • 16.50 – 17.00: Lessons learned (C. Wemhoener)

7. Workshop D1 (20:00~22:00 KST, 13:00~15:00 CEST, 07:00~09:00 EDT)

Title: Comfort and Climate Box Solutions for Warm and Humid Climates
Organizer: Heat Pump Centre, Oakridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and BDH (in the Netherlands)
Theme: The demand for comfort cooling is growing rapidly in many parts of the world, especially in emerging countries, and stated policies will not be able to curb electricity use for cooling, which is set to grow threefold by 2070 relative to 2019, according to IEA. There are great possibilities to increase the energy efficiency and the share of renewable electricity used for comfort cooling, by combining heat pumping technologies with energy storages and integrated control. The purpose of the workshop is to develop a proposal for a new international collaboration project (i.e. Annex) aiming at speed up deployment of such solutions, so called “Comfort and Climate Boxes” for warm and humid climates – solutions that are efficient, affordable, applicable and scalable.

(Time CEST)

13:00 – Introduction to the theme and challenges – presentations

  • General introduction – Monica Axell and Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre
  • “Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Cooling in Warm and Humid Areas”– Chiara Delmastro, IEA
  • Consumer awareness and behaviour in India: A case for efficient cooling applications in India” – Shika Bhasin, CEEW, India
  • “Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Cooling in Warm and Humid Areas” - Wang Sheng, GREE, China
  • “Challenges and opportunities to realize “Comfort and Climate Box solutions” in United States and Beyond” - Kashif Nawaz, ORNL, US

14:00 – Workshop session

  • Presentation of draft Objectives and Scope of a future annex, Kashif Nawaz, ORNL, US
  • Definition about tasks, means and deliverables from a future annex – group discussion

14:45 – 14:55 Summary and next steps

8. Workshop D2 (22:00~24:00 KST, 15:00~17:00 CEST, 09:00~11:00 EDT)

Title: Large demonstration project for flexibility by heat pumps (Annex 57)

Senior Consultant Svend Pedersen
Danish Technological Institute
Theme: Annex 57 aim is to focus on the implementation of heat pumps in district heating and cooling systems. The main focus areas are 1) the creation of possible flexibility in the thermal network and electrical grids. 2) the possibilities of increasing larger share of renewable energy and excess heat as well as to reduce the CO2 emissions in the heating systems by using heat pumps.
  1. “Introduction of IEA HPT's Annex 57 “Flexibility by implementation of heat pump in multi-vector energy systems and thermal networks” by Svend Pedersen (Danish Technological Institute)
  2. “Hybrid Energy Networks in a international and national perspective” by Peter Sorknäs (Aalborg University)
  3. “Experiences from creation of flexibility with heat pumps in district heating grids” by Wiebke Meesenburg (Danish technical University)
  4. “Flexibility seen from a TSO/DSO point of view” by Frank Wiersma (Strategy Advisor, TSO Tennet)
  5. “Potentials of flexible heat pump operation on a district scale” by Dr.-Ing. Young Jae Yu (Fraunhofer IEE)
  6. Discussion