HPC 2020
Important Dates
November 30 2020
Full Paper Submission Due -
December 20 2020
Full Paper Review
(For the new submitted papers) -
January 15 2021
Final Full Paper Submission Due
(For the new submitted papers) -
January 31 2021
Early Bird Registration Due -
March 15 2021
Extended pre-recorded presentation submission due
TODAY 2025. 02. 09
About the Conference
Energy and the environment – two topics that are always of great concern to human beings. Heating and cooling play a great role in our daily life, we use a tremendous amount of fossil fuels for heating and cooling. When changing temperature levels using substantial energy input, a heat pump is always recommended as promising technologies against climate change.
With this in mind, the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference will be held in Jeju Island from Monday, April 26st through Thursday, April 29th in 2021. With the theme ‘Heat Pumps – Mission for the Green World’, we aim to address global climate change and discuss necessary actions.
Considering the varied applications of heat pump systems in the residential, building and industrial fields, this major conference with hundreds of participants will definitely broaden the horizons of our heat pump community. The theme, “Heat Pumps – Mission for the Green World”, will make all the researchers proud that we really are creating a Green World together through research and development for a better future.
Conference Goal
Heat pumps, as a reliable and confirmed technology, is the key equipment for energy savings and greenhouse gas reductions with its wide range of application to various energy sources. The upcoming conference will serve as a forum to discuss the latest technologies in heat pumps, and exchange valuable knowledge in market, policy, and standards information on related technologies. Exhibitions will be held at the conference, to share products and technologies from domestic and foreign companies.
Conference Structure
- Keynote and Plenary lectures by renowned researchers
- Oral and poster presentations on innovative heat pump technology, applications and markets
- Exhibitions of heat pump equipment
- Workshops on collaborative projects, connected to annexes in the HPT TCP
- Technical tours
- Sight-seeing programs
- Social gatherings
Previous Conferences
The upcoming conference will be 13th of the series of conferences held by Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies by International Energy Agency, (IEA HPT TCP). Preceding conferences were held in Austria (1984), USA (1987, 2005), Japan (1990, 2011), The Netherlands (1993, 2017), Canada (1996, 2014), Germany (1999), China (2002), and Switzerland (2008). After successful histories in Japan and China, it is the fourth Heat Pump Conference to be held in Asia, and the first to be held in the Republic of Korea.